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Nomination Information

Tell us who moves Columbia forward.

Text here about nominating someone today who you think fits who we are describing, learn about categories below and see who would be good for the Progress Awards 2018.

Deadline for 2018 nominations is September 27, 2018.

Categories for Awards

Progress in Education

Recognizes an individual educator, administrator or support staff member or a program at an educational institution who has made an impat on his/her/their school or community at large through innovative approaches to teaching, programs, community outreach or mentorship.

Progress in Health Care

Recognizes a health care provider who has made an impact in Columbia by delivering high quality and innovative care, supporting public health through outreach and education, and modeling responsible health practices and medical ethics.

Progress in Social Justice

Recognizes a community member or program that has made an impact in advancing the values of equity, diversity and inclusion in Columbia

Progress in the Arts

Recognizes a community member who has made an impact in Columbia by advancing the role of art and artists in Columbia. The arts can include music, theater, poetry, prose, paint, photography, sculpture and any other creative art form.

Progress in Sustainability

Recognizes a community member who has made an impact on environmental sustainability through innovative practices, education and continuous improvement.

Progress in Entrepreneurship

Recognizes a business owner of business owners who have successfully launched a startup or small business based in Columbia for at least a year. The recipient ought to reflect a commitment to their communities and support felow entreprenuers.

Progress in Philanthropy

Recognizes an individual or group that has modeled the way for what it means to give back to those most in need in our communities through fundraising and inspiring leadership to others in doing so.

Progress in Civic Engagement

Recognizes an individual who holds an elected, appointed or staff position in government who demonstrates a commitment to being engaged with citizens and upholds the ideals of open, fair and transparent local government.

The Sherman Brown Award

Recognizes a community member who, like its namesake, serves his or her neighbors, patrons or customers with the highest esteem and commitment to treating each and every person "like gold."

Progress in Corporate Citizenship

Recognizes a firm with a presence in Columbia that demonstrates a commitment to community service and involvement by supporting efforts in education, the arts, sustainability, social Justice or entrepreneurship.